Hello, I’m Cristian Ruben

I’m the filmmaker behind iFilm Heroes, a non-profit organization, that advocates for the rescue of cats and dogs through the power of film. We focus on capturing the stories of real-life heroes who rescue cats and dogs in the trenches with minimal to no budget. Our films aim to raise awareness of the tireless pursuit of animal rescue and the need for action to support these creatures in need.

We believe every animal deserves a chance at a life full of happiness, surrounded by those who cherish them.

The reality is that many animals get abandoned and forgotten by the ones meant to protect them. We aim to change that by highlighting the individuals who devote their lives to saving cats and dogs and aiding them in their efforts.

I have spent the past decade fighting for the rescue of abandoned and forgotten animals, while building my rescue dream from the ground up. I’ve learned from fellow passionate rescuers who share my mission. Through my films, I aim to inspire everyone to participate in the rescue crusade and give animals a second chance at life.

Our long-term mission is to ensure that no animal is left behind. We plan to expand our organization and build a home base for iFilm Heroes, where animals can find a safe haven and receive basic medical care. We also hope to establish a Cat & Dog Cafe to help more animals find their forever homes.

With your contribution, we can make a real impact on the lives of these animals. Thank you for considering supporting our cause.

The significance of selling Faces 4 Rescues lies in my personal struggles documented in my films, where I often faced the heart-wrenching situation of leaving dogs and cats behind. There were instances when, returning to hotels after filming, I found myself deeply saddened by the inability to rescue these animals. One particular incident stands out from a trip with I and Dan, where we discovered a black German Shepherd on the streets.

I grappled with the decision of what to do with the dog as finding a caretaker proved challenging at the time. Despite spending about an hour and a half attempting to locate a taker, we faced a difficult situation. Unable to find immediate help, we decided to fill the dog’s belly, provide water, and planned to return the next day to continue caring for the dog until a suitable home could be found. The next day brought a glimmer of hope when someone expressed interest in adopting the dog. Excitement filled me and Dan as we headed to the location where the dog was left, only to discover a tragic outcome – the dog had been hit by a car, succumbing to an agonizing death. This experience left me feeling empty and powerless.

Motivated by this heartbreaking incident, I decided to create something meaningful for the world. The idea was to develop a product that not only generated funds for filmmaking but also supported the crucial needs of rescued animals – medical expenses, boarding, and food supplies. The goal was to avoid the sense of helplessness and emptiness that came with being unable to provide immediate assistance on the road.

Reflecting on one of the worst days of my life, I realized the financial constraints that hindered our ability to rescue animals in need. This realization fueled my determination to never experience such a situation again. Thus, Faces for Rescues was born, with 100% of the proceeds dedicated to filming, rehoming dogs and cats, and covering essential expenses such as medical care, boarding, and food supplies. The mission is to create a sustainable source of support to ensure that no animal is left behind due to financial constraints.

Faces 4 Rescues: Transform Your Skin While Saving Lives!

At Faces 4 Rescues, we believe in the power of compassion and making a difference in the lives of those in need. That’s why every purchase of our outstanding face scrub not only helps you achieve radiant skin but also contributes to saving the precious lives of cats and dogs in need.

My mission is to Film animal rescues and provide them with the necessary resources to continue their vital work.

When you choose Faces 4 Rescues, you become part of a community dedicated to making the world a better place for our furry friends. Our unique formulation is designed to invigorate and revitalize your skin, leaving it fresh, smooth, and glowing with every use. Our face scrub gently exfoliates, removing impurities and revealing your skin’s true radiance.

But the benefits of Faces 4 Rescues go beyond skincare. With your purchase, 100 percent of the proceeds are dedicated to filming and documenting the heroic efforts of animal rescues. We aim to raise awareness and share compelling stories of these courageous Individuals, as they tirelessly save and rehabilitate Cats & Dogs in desperate situations. By supporting Faces 4 Rescues, you directly contribute to shining a light on the importance of animal welfare and encouraging others to join the cause.

Imagine the impact we can make together with the power of filming. Every jar of Faces 4 Rescues represents hope, compassion, and a brighter future for those animals who have faced adversity. By using our face scrub, you become an advocate for change, supporting the tireless efforts of animal rescuers on the front lines. Your purchase helps provide vital supplies, medical care, and a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves all while being filmed.

Join us in the fight against animal cruelty and neglect. Together, we can make a difference, one scrub at a time. Choose Faces 4 Rescues, not only for the remarkable benefits it brings to your skin but also for the tremendous impact it has on the lives of countless animals in need. Let’s capture their incredible stories and inspire others to lend a helping hand.

Transform your skincare routine into an act of kindness. Purchase Faces 4 Rescues today and be a part of the change that saves lives.

i Film Heroes (The Rescue Cat & Dog FilmMaker) is the only 501(c)3 Non-Profit in the U.S. that advocates for the rescue of Cats and Dogs by Filming Movies of People in the Trenches. We focus on individuals Rescuing Cats & Dogs in the worst area of the U.S. with a budget, minimal budget, to none.