Dear Potential Sponsor,

Introducing iFilm Heroes, a non-profit promoting rescue of cats and dogs through film.

iFilm Heroes aims to raise awareness about the suffering of animals, particularly those abandoned in deprived areas of the US. We showcase real-life heroes who make a significant difference in the lives of these innocent creatures.

Our Mission:
We create compelling films that highlight the inspiring work of those who rescue cats and dogs in difficult situations. Our films are between 45 minutes to 1 hour long and aim to raise awareness, educate, and motivate people to support these heroes.

Benefits to sponsors:

By supporting our cause, you can reach a wide audience of compassionate individuals who care about animal welfare. We’ll acknowledge your brand in our promotional materials and events, ensuring valuable exposure for your company.

Impact and reach:

Our films have the ability to reach a vast audience, inspiring them to take action and join the rescue mission. Your sponsorship can make a real difference in the lives of countless animals and the compassionate individuals who work to help them.

Join our mission:

Join us in our mission to spread awareness about the vulnerable cats and dogs in our society. With your sponsorship, we can expand our coverage to all 50 states and inspire more people to take action and join the rescue mission.