iFilm Heroes

The only 501(c)3 Non Profit in the world dedicated to cat and dog rescue by filming people in the trenches.

Hello, I’m Cristian Ruben

The Rescue Cat & Dog Filmmaker

As a non-profit 501(c) (3) filmmaker, my mission is to document and share the authentic stories of cat and dog rescues in real-time. Unlike platforms that focus on happy endings and already-adopted pets, my work dives into the heart of the rescue process. I capture the raw, unfiltered moments of the challenges and triumphs faced by both the rescuers and the animals.

I focus primarily on the rescuers in the trenches, those who are directly involved in the day-to-day efforts to save and rehabilitate cats and dogs. My films highlight their dedication, hard work, and emotional journeys. I produce one-hour films because they provide the depth needed to fully explain the mission of these rescuers. To achieve this, I film for a minimum of 45 days to ensure that I capture the complete journey of each rescue operation for 1-hour films. Additionally, I create short films ranging from 8 to 15 minutes to spotlight specific stories and moments.

Through my films, I aim to raise awareness about the intense efforts required to save and rehabilitate cats and dogs. By showcasing these real-life stories, I hope to inspire others to support and participate in animal rescue efforts.

This is why donations and corporate sponsors are crucial. Their support enables me to continue documenting these important stories, providing the resources needed to produce high-quality films and reach a wider audience.

Join me in shedding light on the incredible work done by these dedicated rescuers and the resilience of the cats and dogs they save. Together, we can make a difference by telling the true stories that matter.



In a heartwarming and inspiring journey, follow a dedicated woman who turns her passion for rescuing dogs into a life mission. Armed with traps and unwavering determination, she ventures into challenging environments, from rugged mountains to arid desert valleys, to save strays and abandoned canines. With me by her side, capturing her every move, witness the transformative power of love and care as she nurtures these dogs back to health and prepares them for a chance at a forever home. This is a tale of hope, resilience, and the unbreakable bond between humans and their four-legged friends.


If you would like a 1-hour movie, here are the requirements:

  • A donation of $10,000 is required for me to follow and film you for 45 days.
  • You can either donate the $10,000 upfront to start sooner or fundraise for the movie.
  • If you donate upfront while we are fundraising, I will return the $10,000 to you.
  • Any amount raised over $10,000 will be donated to i Film Heroes Non-Profit Organization.

To make this movie work, we need:

  • Rescuers of dogs and cats
  • Trappers, feeders, and TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) participants
  • Involvement from 1–2 local shelters (e.g., volunteers, directors)
  • Groups of feeders who coordinate and feed on a daily or weekly basis

Watch this movie for an example of what we aim to achieve.

Please note that for the best film possible, it is recommended that you be available for 40 days.

Thank you for helping us make a difference!

Thank you for helping us show the world while educating everyone about the community problem the world is facing in regards to the stray dogs and cats.



Dan could volunteer at an animal shelter or a rescue, but his heart is out here, with the animals that are alone and afraid.

Watch film: This is Dan


In a heartwarming and inspiring journey, follow a dedicated woman who turns her passion for rescuing dogs into a life mission.

Watch film: In Faith, I Believe

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Support & Involvement

We believe that with your support, we can expand our impact on a larger scale. Your engagement with our mission would help us create the opportunities we need to film more stories and help more dogs and cats find better homes.

How you can help

Monetary. In Kind. Social Media Sharing. Partnering. Sponsoring. Collaborating

Become a Sponsor

Benefits to sponsors:

By supporting our cause, you can reach a wide audience of compassionate individuals who care about animal welfare. We’ll acknowledge your brand in our promotional materials and events, ensuring valuable exposure for your company.

Impact and reach:

Our films have the ability to reach a vast audience, inspiring them to take action and join the rescue mission. Your sponsorship can make a real difference in the lives of countless animals and the compassionate individuals who work to help them.

Join our mission:

Join us in our mission to spread awareness about the vulnerable cats and dogs in our society. With your sponsorship, we can expand our coverage to all 50 states and inspire more people to take action and join the rescue mission.

Introducing Faces 4 Rescue

Transform Your Skin, Transform Their Lives!

Faces 4 Rescue is a Non Profit we created to fund iFilm Heroes. By purchasing this skin care product, not only are you buying a quality face product for your skin, but you’re also supporting a great cause. At Faces4Rescues, we’re not just a skincare brand; we’re on a mission to bring radiance to your skin while illuminating the incredible efforts of those in the trenches saving stray and homeless cats and dogs. What sets us apart? We’re proud to share that 100 percent of our sales go towards filming these heartwarming stories as a nonprofit initiative.

Use coupon code RESCUE20 at checkout to receive 20% OFF!

Receive 20% off as part of our gratitude for using our product and helping this great cause. 100% of the proceeds goes towards our rescue and film efforts to educate our communities of the dog abandonment crisis we have today.

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Support & Involvement

We believe that with your support, we can expand our impact on a larger scale. Your engagement with our mission would help us create the opportunities we need to film more stories and help more dogs and cats find better homes.

How you can help

Monetary. In Kind. Social Media Sharing. Partnering. Sponsoring. Collaborating